What Types of Cases Do Personal Injury Lawyers Handle?

Suffering an injury is never fun. You have to deal with the physical and mental pain associated with them. It is even worse when someone else is responsible for your injury. Our personal injury lawyers in Syracuse, NY, can help you get justice. We’ve helped numerous personal injury victims to find some closure after their accidents. While we can’t heal your injuries, we can at least help to hold the perpetrator accountable for their actions.

What is Personal Injury Law?

Personal injury law is that aspect of the legal system that helps individuals who’ve suffered accidents and mishaps due to the actions (or lack thereof) of others. Negligence is usually the main cause of personal injury. While getting injured by someone may seem a straightforward thing, it’s not always that simple. For example, if another vehicle collided with your car while you were parked in an illegal lane, your case may not be as clear-cut. That’s why you need the guidance of an experienced personal injury lawyer to handle your case properly.

What is Negligence?

Negligence legal theory is a concept that an individual’s actions contributed in some way to another person’s injury. Under this theory, the lack of action in some cases can be just as bad. Proving negligence is a central tenet of any personal injury case. It’s not enough to simply claim that you suffered a personal injury due to another individual’s actions. You’ll have to prove this in court. That’s one of the reasons why hiring an experienced personal injury attorney is crucial to your case.
Proving negligence involves the following:
i)Demonstrating that the accused failed in their duty to act within a certain expected standard
ii) Demonstrating that the defendant failed to act in a way that shows good judgment and responsibility
iii) Proving that the plaintiff suffered personal injury directly from the perpetrator’s actions or inaction.

Types of Personal Injury Cases

1) Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents are the most common types of personal injury cases. Anytime there is an accident involving a car, a truck, or a motorbike, all such cases constitute motor vehicle accidents. The victim can be a passenger, driver, or pedestrian.
Motor vehicle accidents can be difficult to prove. Unless there is clear evidence like video footage, you’ll have to look for forensic evidence to corroborate your claims. Eyewitness statements can be unreliable. The at-fault driver’s lawyer and the insurance company will try to find any reason to discredit your claims. That’s why it’s important to contact a personal injury lawyer immediately after a car accident. Such a lawyer will know how to quickly gather the relevant evidence at the accident scene. With their knowledge of the legal system, they can help you navigate the bureaucracies associated with filing a personal injury claim and going to court if necessary.
Gathering the necessary evidence and building a strong case on your behalf will involve things like reviewing the original police accident report. A seasoned personal injury lawyer will know what to look for to corroborate your claims.

2) Product Liability

This is when you suffer personal injury due to a defective product. There are specific government bodies that regulate product standards to protect consumers. However, they are unable to catch everything. Sometimes, substandard products find their way onto the market. Consumers who purchase such products suffer personal injury as a result of this. A classic example is a car that has a malfunctioning brake system. If the car’s manufacturer released such a vehicle onto the market, they could be held liable for any accidents suffered by anyone that buys such a car.
Another example involves foods and other consumer products. For example, a food manufacturer may inadvertently include harmful chemicals in some of their products. This can result in serious health issues for people that consume such products. Such health issues constitute personal injury.
A personal injury attorney that focuses on handling such cases can help you sue such a manufacturer. Sometimes, such at-fault companies may choose to settle out of court. However, most of them will deny responsibility for their defective products, at least initially. It becomes your personal injury lawyer’s task to prove liability and bring such companies to book.

3) Premise Liability

Premise liability involves a wide range of things that can occur at an establishment. The law holds the owners of such premises responsible for any injuries or mishaps that occur. Typical examples of premise liability include:
i) Slips and falls
ii) Lax security
iii) Inadequate lighting
iv) Harmful substances and products
v) Faulty wiring
A good example is when a customer walks into a supermarket and falls due to a wet floor. If the customer sustains a serious physical injury like broken bones, they have a solid personal injury case due to premise liability. Similarly, a tenant that suffers injury due to slipping and falling in a poorly-constructed bathroom can sue their tenant. Hiring a personal injury lawyer improves your odds of holding such negligent owners accountable. Your lawyer will know how to find the evidence necessary to support your case in court.

4) Workers’ Compensation

Employers can be held accountable for their workers getting injured while on the job. Such injuries could lead to significant medical bills, missed days at work, or permanent disability in some cases. Employers tend to hold insurance policies to cover such things. However, you still need an experienced personal injury lawyer to represent you if you’re the victim. Such a lawyer will know how to negotiate with the insurance company in question.

5) Wrongful Death

This is when someone dies due to the negligent actions of another individual. It’s crucial to remember that many types of personal injury cases can just as easily become wrongful death cases. For example, if a person suffered serious injuries due to a car accident, this is a typical personal injury case. However, if the victim later dies due to their injuries, it now becomes a wrongful death case. Similarly, someone who sustains a serious head injury due to a slip and fall inside a building can file a premise liability lawsuit. However, if such a person later dies due to their head injury, it is now a wrongful death case. Wrongful death lawsuits are usually brought by immediate family members like a spouse or parent. An experienced personal injury attorney can help such family members get justice for the death of their loved ones.
Of course, numerous other scenarios can constitute personal injury. For instance, if you get bitten by your neighbor’s dog, it also qualifies as a personal injury case. Make an appointment today with our attorneys at NPS Law. We’ve represented countless personal injury victims in their quest for justice. Contact us to discuss your case.

NPS Law,
219 1st St Liverpool NY 13088,
(315) 453-9426

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